
Running the test suite

  • docker environment
  • Alternatively (unit tests only): a venv with installed test dependencies

For the testing setup, there exists a separate docker compose file:

There is a test subcommand of the docker entrypoint which wraps pytest.

docker compose run --rm test-app test
# or a single module:
docker compose run --rm test-app test tests/helpers

Alternatively, in a shell or in your virtual environment, you can just use pytest directly:

docker compose run --rm test-app shell
pytest -v tests/helpers


You can use markers to select or deselect certain tests, e.g. slow ones:

… code:: sh
pytest -vm “not slow” tests

The markers are defined in the pyproject.toml (key tool.pytest.ini_options.markers). A test can be marked via the @pytest.mark decorator, e.g. @pytest.mark.slow.