Run the celery command configured for Hades.
All arguments except -c/--config and -A/--app are passed to the Celery celery as is. You may not provide the -A/--app argument.
usage: hades-agent [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-v] [-q] [-V] [--syslog [SOCKET]]
[--pid-file PID_FILE]
[worker options]
Path to config file
Be more verbose (use up to 4) times
Default: 1
Be quiet (ERROR and higher will still be logged)
show program's version number, configure options, copyright notice and exit
Log to syslog instead of stderr. CRITICAL messages will still be logged on stderr too. A path to the log socket may be provided, defaults to /dev/log otherwise.
Default: "/usr/local/var/run/hades/agent/"
usage: hades-check-database [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-v] [-q] [-V]
[--syslog [SOCKET]]
Path to config file
Be more verbose (use up to 4) times
Default: 1
Be quiet (ERROR and higher will still be logged)
show program's version number, configure options, copyright notice and exit
Log to syslog instead of stderr. CRITICAL messages will still be logged on stderr too. A path to the log socket may be provided, defaults to /dev/log otherwise.
Provides a DBus API to perform privileged operations
usage: hades-deputy [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-v] [-q] [-V] [--syslog [SOCKET]]
Path to config file
Be more verbose (use up to 4) times
Default: 1
Be quiet (ERROR and higher will still be logged)
show program's version number, configure options, copyright notice and exit
Log to syslog instead of stderr. CRITICAL messages will still be logged on stderr too. A path to the log socket may be provided, defaults to /dev/log otherwise.
Please don't use this script in production,
as it interferes with the (synced) lease state of the DHCP server.
In production, this script is not used, but instead the
dnsmasq leasefile dhcp-script to store leases in the Hades database
usage: hades-dhcp-script-standalone [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-v] [-q] [-V]
[--syslog [SOCKET]]
Possible choices: init, no-op, add, del, old
Path to config file
Be more verbose (use up to 4) times
Default: 1
Be quiet (ERROR and higher will still be logged)
show program's version number, configure options, copyright notice and exit
Log to syslog instead of stderr. CRITICAL messages will still be logged on stderr too. A path to the log socket may be provided, defaults to /dev/log otherwise.
Print all leases in dnsmasq leasefile format
hades-dhcp-script-standalone init [-h]
hades-dhcp-script-standalone no-op [-h]
Add a lease
hades-dhcp-script-standalone add [-h] mac ip [hostname]
MAC address
IP address
Delete a lease
hades-dhcp-script-standalone del [-h] mac ip [hostname]
MAC address
IP address
Update a lease
hades-dhcp-script-standalone old [-h] mac ip [hostname]
MAC address
IP address
Export options as shell variables
usage: hades-export-options [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-v] [-q] [-V]
[--syslog [SOCKET]]
[--format {systemd,posix,bash,ksh,zsh}]
Output destination (default: stdout)
Default: -
Path to config file
Be more verbose (use up to 4) times
Default: 1
Be quiet (ERROR and higher will still be logged)
show program's version number, configure options, copyright notice and exit
Log to syslog instead of stderr. CRITICAL messages will still be logged on stderr too. A path to the log socket may be provided, defaults to /dev/log otherwise.
Possible choices: systemd, posix, bash, ksh, zsh
Export format.
Default: "systemd"
Python sequence and mapping types will only be exported, if the destination format support it
usage: hades-generate-config [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-v] [-q] [-V]
[--syslog [SOCKET]] [-m MODE] [-g GROUP | GID]
Template file name or template directory name
Destination file or directory (default is stdout for files; required for directories)
Path to config file
Be more verbose (use up to 4) times
Default: 1
Be quiet (ERROR and higher will still be logged)
show program's version number, configure options, copyright notice and exit
Log to syslog instead of stderr. CRITICAL messages will still be logged on stderr too. A path to the log socket may be provided, defaults to /dev/log otherwise.
The mode of created files and directories. Only read, write, setgid, and sticky bits are respected. Files are never executable or setuid. Directories are always executable if they are readable and optionally have setgid and sticky bits set.
Default: 488
The group of created files and directories.
Listens for commands as output by hades-dhcp-script.
usage: hades-lease-server [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-v] [-q] [-V] [--syslog [SOCKET]]
[--socket [SOCKET]] (--auth | --unauth)
Path to config file
Be more verbose (use up to 4) times
Default: 1
Be quiet (ERROR and higher will still be logged)
show program's version number, configure options, copyright notice and exit
Log to syslog instead of stderr. CRITICAL messages will still be logged on stderr too. A path to the log socket may be provided, defaults to /dev/log otherwise.
Socket to listen on. Default: /usr/local/var/run/hades/auth-dhcp/script.sock
Default: "/usr/local/var/run/hades/auth-dhcp/script.sock"
Default: False
Default: True
This server listens on a socket for commands communicating lease events. For detailed information about the functionality see hades-dhcp-script --help. It is the server component for what could have been a single python program, however because of performance reasons, it was necessary to circumvent the need for a complete python interpreter startup every time such a notification happens.
Does not take arguments.
Hades keepalived VRRP notify script.
This script is called by keepalived, if a VRRP instance's state changes.
usage: hades-vrrp-notify [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-v] [-q] [-V] [--syslog [SOCKET]]
{GROUP,INSTANCE} {hades-auth,hades-root,hades-unauth}
Possible choices: GROUP, INSTANCE
Type indication
Possible choices: hades-auth, hades-root, hades-unauth
The name of the group or instance
Possible choices: MASTER, BACKUP, FAULT
The state it's transitioning to
The priority value
Path to config file
Be more verbose (use up to 4) times
Default: 1
Be quiet (ERROR and higher will still be logged)
show program's version number, configure options, copyright notice and exit
Log to syslog instead of stderr. CRITICAL messages will still be logged on stderr too. A path to the log socket may be provided, defaults to /dev/log otherwise.