
Docker Setup

Not everybody runs Debian on their systems. Additionally one might not want to pollute their system with all the dependencies and development tools, that are necessary to build and run Hades. Docker provides an easy way to isolate the development environment from your machine and to install the necessary requirements and tools.

Building & Running

Run the following command in the project root directory to build an image with docker-compose:

docker-compose build --build-arg=UID=$(id -u) --build-arg=GID=$(id -g) hades

The UID and GID build args ensure, that the IDs of the user on your machine match with the user and group created inside the container.

After you've successfully created the image, you can run the container:

docker-compose -up -d

This will start the container in background. Inside the container systemd is started. Running an init system like systemd in a container is not an usual setup, but Hades integrates well with systemd and should be also be tested on systemd.

To enter the container run the following command:

docker-compose exec -u builder hades bash

Use in Production

It probably doesn't make sense to run Hades inside Docker in production, because the Networking setup of Hades is much more involved than your typical Docker application, which only needs to expose a few ports. Hades requires Layer 2 connectivity, so you would need to pass interfaces into the container or bridge the container interfaces on the host. All of this is possible, the question is however if such a setup provides any benefit.

Building the Documentation

The documentation for Hades is build with sphinx. An html build is stored in the gh-pages branch in order to host the documentation using GitHub Pages. Whatever python setup you chose, make sure that the extra requirements given in the are installed (e.g. sphinx and relevant extensions).

After cloning a repository for the first time, initialize the git submodules of this repository:

git submodules update --init

To build the documentation, change into the docs directory and run:

make html

The documentation will built and stored in the docs/build/html directory. This directory is actually a git submodule with a clone of the same repository, but on a different branch, namely the special gh-pages branch. This branch does not contain the project sources like main and is also completely independent from the main branch. Never merge or rebase these branch with each other!

You can view the documentation locally with your browser by opening the index.html file in the docs/build/html directory and if you are satisfied, you can publish it on by executing the following commands in docs/build/html:

git add .
git commit
git push origin gh-pages


Don't mix up the root repository and its submodule in docs/build/html and be careful in which directory you are executing the git commands.

If you want you can then update the submodule relationship between root repository and the gh-pages submodule by executing the following commands in the root repository:

git add docs/build/html
git commit