Source code for pycroft.model.unix_account



This module contains the :class:`UnixAccount` and :class:`UnixTombstone` classes.


from __future__ import annotations
import typing as t
from sqlalchemy import (
from sqlalchemy.orm import (

from pycroft.model import ddl
from pycroft.model.base import ModelBase, IntegerIdModel

# needed because the consistency trigger depends on the the `User` table
from .user import User

    # FKeys

    # Backrefs

manager = ddl.DDLManager()
unix_account_uid_seq = Sequence("unix_account_uid_seq", start=1000, metadata=ModelBase.metadata)

[docs] class UnixAccount(IntegerIdModel): uid: Mapped[int] = mapped_column( ForeignKey("unix_tombstone.uid", deferrable=True), unique=True, server_default=unix_account_uid_seq.next_value(), ) tombstone: Mapped[UnixTombstone] = relationship(viewonly=True) gid: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(default=100) login_shell: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(default="/bin/bash") home_directory: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(unique=True)
[docs] class UnixTombstone(ModelBase): """A tombstone for uids and logins, preventing their re-use. A tombstone relates to a :class:`pycroft.model.user.User` and :class:`UnixAccount` via three relationships, as depicted in the ER diagram below. The hash is stored in the generated column :attr:`User.login_hash <pycroft.model.user.User.login_hash>`, which has a foreign key on the :class:`Tombstone`. Furthermore, the associated `UnixAccount` has a `uid`, which also points to a :class:`Tombstone`. There is a trigger which checks that if both of these objects exist, they point to the same tombstone. .. mermaid:: --- title: Tombstone Consistency config: fontFamily: monospace --- erDiagram User { int unix_account_id str login str login_hash "generated always as digest(login, 'sha512')" } UnixAccount { int id int uid } UnixTombStone { int uid str login_hash } User |o--o| UnixAccount: "user_unix_account_id_fkey" User ||--o| UnixTombStone: "user_login_hash_fkey" UnixAccount ||--o| UnixTombStone: "unix_account_uid_fkey" The lifecycle of a tombstone is restricted by :attr:`check_unix_tombstone_lifecycle_func`. """ uid: Mapped[int] = Column(Integer, unique=True) login_hash: Mapped[bytes] = Column(LargeBinary(512), unique=True) # backrefs unix_account: Mapped[UnixAccount] = relationship(viewonly=True, uselist=False) # /backrefs __table_args__ = ( UniqueConstraint("uid", "login_hash"), Index("uid_only_unique", login_hash, unique=True, postgresql_where=uid.is_(None)), Index( "login_hash_only_unique", uid, unique=True, postgresql_where=login_hash.is_(None), ), CheckConstraint("uid is not null or login_hash is not null"), ) __mapper_args__ = {"primary_key": (uid, login_hash)} # fake PKey for mapper
check_unix_tombstone_lifecycle_func = ddl.Function( name="check_unix_tombstone_lifecycle", arguments=[], rtype="trigger", definition=""" BEGIN IF (NEW.login_hash IS NULL AND OLD.login_hash IS NOT NULL) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Removing login_hash from tombstone is invalid' USING ERRCODE = 'check_violation'; END IF; IF (NEW.uid IS NULL AND OLD.uid IS NOT NULL) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Removing uid from tombstone is invalid' USING ERRCODE = 'check_violation'; END IF; RETURN NEW; END; """, volatility="stable", language="plpgsql", ) """ Trigger function ensuring proper tombstone lifecycle (see :class:`UnixTombstone`). .. mermaid:: --- title: Tombstone Lifecycle config: fontFamily: monospace --- stateDiagram-v2 s0: ¬uid, ¬login_hash s1: uid, ¬login_hash s2: ¬uid, login_hash s3: uid, login_hash s0 --> s1: set uid s0 --> s2: set login_hash s1 --> s1 s2 --> s2 s1 --> s3: set login_hash s2 --> s3: set uid s3 --> s3 """ manager.add_function(UnixTombstone.__table__, check_unix_tombstone_lifecycle_func) manager.add_trigger( UnixTombstone.__table__, ddl.Trigger( name="check_unix_tombstone_lifecycle_trigger", table=UnixTombstone.__table__, events=("UPDATE",), function_call=f"{}()", when="BEFORE", ), ) unix_account_ensure_tombstone_func = ddl.Function( "unix_account_ensure_tombstone", [], "trigger", """ DECLARE v_user "user"; v_login_ts unix_tombstone; v_ua_ts unix_tombstone; BEGIN select * into v_user from "user" u where u.unix_account_id =; select * into v_ua_ts from unix_tombstone ts where ts.uid = NEW.uid; select ts.* into v_login_ts from "user" u join unix_tombstone ts on u.login_hash = ts.login_hash where u.unix_account_id =; IF v_user IS NULL THEN IF v_ua_ts IS NULL THEN insert into unix_tombstone (uid) values (NEW.uid); END IF; RETURN NEW; END IF; -- NOTE: v_user not null implies that we are in an UPDATE, not a CREATE, -- because otherwise it would be impossible for an existing user to reference this UA. IF v_ua_ts IS NULL THEN insert into unix_tombstone (uid, login_hash) values (NEW.uid, v_user.login_hash); END IF; RETURN NEW; END; """, volatility="volatile", strict=True, language="plpgsql", ) """ Trigger function ensuring automatic generation of a tombstone on :class:`UnixAccount` inserts. """ manager.add_function(User.__table__, unix_account_ensure_tombstone_func) manager.add_trigger( User.__table__, ddl.Trigger( "unix_account_ensure_tombstone_trigger", UnixAccount.__table__, ("INSERT",), "unix_account_ensure_tombstone()", when="BEFORE", ), ) ensure_tombstone = ddl.Function( "user_ensure_tombstone", [], "trigger", # This function ensures satisfaction of the user → tombstone foreign key constraint # (a "tuple generating dependency") which says ∀u: user ∃t: tombstone: t.login_hash = u.login_hash. # it does _not_ enforce the consistency constraint ("equality generating dependency"). """ DECLARE v_ua unix_account; v_login_ts unix_tombstone; v_ua_ts unix_tombstone; v_u_login_hash bytea; BEGIN select * into v_ua from unix_account ua where = NEW.unix_account_id; -- hash not generated yet, because we are a BEFORE trigger! select digest(NEW.login, 'sha512') into v_u_login_hash; select ts.* into v_login_ts from "user" u join unix_tombstone ts on v_u_login_hash = ts.login_hash where =; IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN IF not v_login_ts IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'User with login=%% already exists. Please choose a different login.', NEW.login USING ERRCODE = 'foreign_key_violation'; END IF; IF v_ua IS NULL THEN insert into unix_tombstone (uid, login_hash) values (null, v_u_login_hash); -- on conflict: raise! want to prohibit re-use after all. ELSE IF v_ua_ts.login_hash IS NOT NULL AND v_ua_ts.login_hash != v_login_ts.login_hash THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Refusing to re-couple user (login=%%), which had a unix account in the past, ' 'to a new unix-account (uid=%%). ' 'Manually update the tombstones if you know what you are doing.', NEW.login, v_ua.uid USING ERRCODE = 'check_violation'; END IF; update unix_tombstone ts set login_hash = v_u_login_hash where ts.uid = v_ua.uid; END IF; RETURN NEW; END IF; ------------ -- UPDATE -- ------------ IF NEW.unix_account_id = OLD.unix_account_id THEN -- NOTE: this also means we _do nothing_ on a `login` update. -- This is a conscious decision, because we want the SQL operator -- to handle tombstones explicitly in this scenario. RETURN NEW; END IF; IF v_ua IS NULL THEN -- this is an UPDATE user SET unix_account_id=null. Nothing to do. RETURN NEW; END IF; ----------------------- -- User → UA exists; -- ----------------------- select * into v_ua_ts from unix_tombstone ts where ts.uid = v_ua.uid; IF NOT v_ua_ts.login_hash IS NULL AND v_ua_ts.login_hash <> v_u_login_hash THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Refusing to re-couple unix-account (uid=%%), which belonged to a user in the past, to another user (login=%%).' 'Manually update the tombstones if you know what you are doing.', v_ua.uid, NEW.login USING ERRCODE = 'check_violation'; END IF; ASSERT NOT v_login_ts IS NULL, 'existing user %% does not have a tombstone', NEW.login; IF v_login_ts.uid IS NULL THEN -- gonna update ua's tombstone, so let's throw away user's tombstone set constraints user_login_hash_fkey deferred; delete from unix_tombstone where login_hash = v_u_login_hash; update unix_tombstone ts set login_hash = v_u_login_hash where ts.uid = v_ua_ts.uid; set constraints user_login_hash_fkey immediate; ELSE -- this smells wrong: either they already share a tombstone, -- or the user already _had_ a unix account! IF NOT v_ua_ts.login_hash IS NULL AND v_ua_ts.login_hash != v_login_ts.login_hash THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Refusing to re-couple user (login=%%), which had a unix account in the past, ' 'to a new unix-account (uid=%%). ' 'Manually update the tombstones if you know what you are doing.', NEW.login, v_ua.uid USING ERRCODE = 'check_violation'; END IF; END IF; update unix_tombstone ts set login_hash = v_u_login_hash where ts.uid = v_ua_ts.uid; RETURN NEW; END; """, volatility="volatile", strict=True, language="plpgsql", ) """ Trigger function ensuring automatic generation of a tombstone on :class:`User` updates. """ manager.add_function(User.__table__, ensure_tombstone) manager.add_trigger( User.__table__, ddl.Trigger( "user_ensure_tombstone_trigger", User.__table__, ("INSERT", "UPDATE OF unix_account_id, login"), "user_ensure_tombstone()", when="BEFORE", ), ) check_tombstone_consistency = ddl.Function( name="check_tombstone_consistency", arguments=[], rtype="trigger", definition=""" DECLARE v_user "user"; v_ua unix_account; v_user_ts unix_tombstone; v_ua_ts unix_tombstone; BEGIN IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'user' THEN v_user := NEW; select * into v_ua from unix_account where = NEW.unix_account_id; ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'unix_account' THEN v_ua := NEW; select * into v_user from "user" u where u.unix_account_id =; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'trigger can only be invoked on user or unix_account tables, not %%', TG_TABLE_NAME USING ERRCODE = 'feature_not_supported'; END IF; IF v_ua IS NULL OR v_user IS NULL THEN RETURN NEW; -- no consistency to satisfy END IF; ASSERT NOT v_user IS NULL, 'v_user is null!'; ASSERT NOT v_user.login IS NULL, format('user.login is null (%%s): %%s (type %%s)', v_user.login, v_user, pg_typeof(v_user)); select * into v_user_ts from unix_tombstone ts where ts.login_hash = v_user.login_hash; select * into v_ua_ts from unix_tombstone ts where ts.uid = v_ua.uid; -- this should already be ensured by the `ensure_*_tombstone` triggers, -- but we are defensive here to ensure consistency no matter what IF v_ua_ts IS NULL THEN ASSERT NOT v_ua IS NULL, 'unix_account is null'; RAISE EXCEPTION 'unix account with id=%% (uid=%%) has no tombstone.',, v_ua.uid USING ERRCODE = 'foreign_key_violation'; END IF; IF v_user_ts IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'user %% with id=%% (login=%%) has no tombstone.', v_user,, v_user.login USING ERRCODE = 'foreign_key_violation'; END IF; if v_user_ts <> v_ua_ts THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'User tombstone (uid=%%, login_hash=%%) and unix account tombstone (uid=%%, login_hash=%%) differ!', v_user_ts.uid, v_user_ts.login_hash, v_ua_ts.uid, v_ua_ts.login_hash USING ERRCODE = 'check_violation'; END IF; RETURN NEW; END; """, strict=True, language="plpgsql", ) """ Trigger function checking whether :class:`User` and associated :class:`UnixAccount` refer to the same :class:`Tombstone`. See :class:`Tombstone` for an illustration. """ manager.add_function(User.__table__, check_tombstone_consistency) manager.add_constraint_trigger( User.__table__, ddl.ConstraintTrigger( name="user_check_tombstone_consistency_trigger", table=User.__table__, events=("INSERT", "UPDATE OF unix_account_id, login"), function_call=f"{}()", deferrable=True, ), ) manager.add_constraint_trigger( # function needs user table User.__table__, ddl.ConstraintTrigger( name="unix_account_check_tombstone_consistency_trigger", table=UnixAccount.__table__, events=("INSERT", "UPDATE OF uid"), function_call=f"{}()", deferrable=True, ), ) manager.register()